Join the community of STR Experts, Real Estate Professionals and Airbnb Hosts


What started as a book, has become a MOVEMENT


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Support our GIVE BACK initiative!


Our mission is to leverage the influence of rental platforms to provide financial support, resources, and time to charitable organizations that provide accommodations to those in need. We aim to build a community of hosts dedicated to making a difference, transforming each stay into an opportunity for a positive impact locally and globally. 


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Meet Our Collaboration Partners

What is the Hospitable Host Movement?

In 2022, Jodie Odlin, Founder of Tetbury Escapes (a UK based property management and short term rental company), decided she didn't want to do business alone.

She had recently co-authored a book that brought together a group of women entrepreneurs, and thought to herself...


And the rest was history. Hospitable Hosts Volume 1, 2 & 3 have all gone on to hit the Amazon Bestseller List. Authors have spoken at conferences, been asked to keynote events and there have been book launches all over the world. 

Grab One of Our Books

Beyond books, Jodie decided to take this community to the next level with the Global Hospitable Hosts

Training Academy

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Because being Hospitable...matters.

Not just for guests, but for the industry.

We’re now on a mission to raise the standards of the short-term rental industry. By sharing knowledge and experiences, we can elevate hospitality and ensure exceptional guest experiences.

What We Do


We offer hybrid publishing services for Real Estate Investors, Airbnb Hosts and STR Experts. We include professional editing, interior layout, cover design as well as publishing and marketing services.

Accreditation Course

Our Mastering Hospitality course brings together the best of the best in the Airbnb, STR and Real Estate Industry. Learn how the top-industry experts increase their profits by "Mastering Hospitality" and provide a top-notch guest experience. 


Throughout the years, we have hosted events all over the world—from the UK, to Australia, all the way to Nashville, Tennessee. Our in person and virtual community is unparalleled.

Hospitable Host Coaches

Looking to work with a Hospitable Host Coach? These experts have been pre-vetted by our team to ensure the highest quality of service and of course, hospitality.

Buy Our Books


Also Available on Audible!

Hospitable Hosts Vol. 1


Hospitable Hosts Vol. 2


Hospitable Hosts Vol. 3


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